Feb 17 2009

Winmail.dat Online Conversion

Category: SoftwareTeknovis @ 22:18

Today I got an email with no body and a winmail.dat attachment from somebody. The reason that the email was in this format is because the sender used Outlook. This really annoys me, because I use a variety of email clients, and none of them can use this format! Grrr… For more information about this file format see Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format.

Anyway, today I found a really nice web site for converting these files into the original files. It is very easy to use, and it produced my converted files instantly! The web site is Winmaildat.com Enjoy!


One Response to “Winmail.dat Online Conversion”

  1. Anonymous E says:

    Why can’t M$ stick to open standards? This blog is starting to sound more like Slashdot… ;-)

    First post!