Mar 06 2010

Cloud Computing Data Centres in Ireland

Category: Cloud Computing,HumourTeknovis @ 21:29

I read an interesting article in The Irish Times recently about Microsoft‘s view on cloud computing data centres in Ireland. The article covers comments by John Vassallo who is Microsoft’s Vice-President of EU Affairs, and it can be read online at Data centres may attract 20,000 firms.

It is a short (and slightly meaningless) article. However, one comment by John Vassallo really caught my attention:

Mr Vassallo added that Ireland was cited in a recent publication as “a beautiful place for a data centre” due to its climate.

It is difficult to interpret this comment! I am not even sure if this is serious! Perhaps the cloud analogy is being taken too far :D

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3 Responses to “Cloud Computing Data Centres in Ireland”

  1. Steve Flinter says:

    It’s actually a serious comment, believe it or not. Only about 50% of the electricity costs of running a data centre are in powering the servers themselves. The other 50% goes on cooling.

    Operating large datacentres in a cool, temperate climate does have a definite monetary payoff, in terms of reduced energy consumption.

  2. Eimhin says:
  3. Tibo says:

    And an interesting article on the subject in general: