Dec 03 2008

Camouflaged Base Stations

Category: TelecomsTeknovis @ 10:42

The Register is running an interesting competition to test people’s ability to distinguish camouflaged mobile phone base stations from normally occurring objects. There are 20 photos in total, and most of them are quite tricky! My answers are:

  1. Cellular mast
  2. Cellular mast
  3. Dead tree
  4. Flagless flagpoles
  5. Tree
  6. Flagless flagpole
  7. Unrelated microwave relay
  8. Lonely tree
  9. Suspicious black thing
  10. Fire alarm bell
  11. Cellular mast
  12. Cellular mast
  13. Ideal fixer-upper opportunity
  14. Cellular mast
  15. Cellular mast
  16. Unexplained post
  17. Cellular mast
  18. Dead spot
  19. Cellular mast
  20. Drainage pipes

If you feel like testing yourself, then proceed to Would you know a base station if you saw one?.
